Finance Department | Utilities

Utility Services and Rates

Monthly Utility Rates:

Minimum bill will be $126.59 with the following break down

  • Water: $47.74 Minimum for the first 1500 cubic feet, after that, water is $2.61 per every 100 cubic feet used.
  • Sewer: $49.68 Flat Rate
  • Refuse: $29.17 Residential Flat Rate.
    This includes 1 Regular Trash can, 1 Recycle Can and 1 Green Waste can.
    – Additional Trash can is $15.06 per can.
    – Additional Recycle can is $8.76 per can.
    – Additional Green can is $13.14 per can.
    Refuse is contracted with Mid Valley Disposal (559) 237-9425
    All cans must be out by 5:00 am to insure pickup. Please call immediately if trash is missed.

Due Date: Payments are due on the 15th of each month, or the following business day if the 15th falls on a weekend or City observed holiday. If payment is not received by the close of business day (4:00 pm) on the due date, a $10.00 penalty will be applied and Shutoff Notice will be issued.

Shutoff for Non Payment: Accounts must be paid no later than the close of business day (4:00 pm) on the last Tuesday of the month to avoid additional fees and disconnection. (Additional fee imposed if account remains unpaid and is placed on the shutoff list.)

Service Fee $35.00 (if placed on disconnect list), even if water has not been shut off
• See Water Service Discontinuation Policy
Your services will be reactivated upon payment of the past due balance, any late fees and service fee. Service reconnections are scheduled for the first business day after fees are paid.

To Start Utility Services: City Ordinance13.08.030
Owners: Must bring in proof of ownership of the property. (CLOSED Escrow Documentation, Tax Roll). When escrow has not closed you may bring in good faith document, however you have two weeks to bring in the closing escrow documents.

Renters: Required to bring in a Signed Rental or Lease agreement and a Deposit of $180.00. This deposit will be applied upon closing the account. The renter shall be liable for delinquent balances and citation fees assessed to their account.

Department Information and Payment Locations (Utility payments can be made by)

In Person/Drop Box: City Hall (Cash/Check/Auto ACH) -no processing fee
137 North F Street
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 10am – 2:00pm Phone: 559-592-3710

Phone/Online: 1-855-288-7463 or – (plus $3.58 processing fee).

Utility Payments

Utility Payments can now be paid online or by phone at 1- (855) 288-7463 via Credit Card, Debit Card, or E-Check. There is a processing fee of $3.25.

You can also participate in the City of Exeter’s Direct Payment Plan which authorizes the city to deduct the utility payment from your chosen bank account. To authorize the Direct Payment Plan, download the authorization form and return it to the City of Exeter. Note, please attach a voided check to the authorization form.


Payments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the 15th of each month, or the following business day if the 15th falls on a weekend or City observed holiday.

If payment is not received by the due date, a $10.00 late fee/penalty will be applied and a Shutoff Notice will be issued.

Accounts must be paid no later than the close of business day (4:00 pm) on the Tuesday, prior to the last Wednesday of the month to avoid additional fees and disconnection. (Additional fee imposed if the account remains unpaid and is placed on the shutoff list).

Service reconnections are scheduled for the first business day after fees are paid. The service fee for reconnection must be charged whether or not the service crew has physically shut the water off.

Late fee:  $10.00

Service fee:  $35.00 (incurred when the account is placed on disconnect list)

Please note that if you do on-line banking we are not responsible for payments received past the due date.

Automatic deduction from your checking account is available and is very helpful in preventing late payments.   The City of Exeter’s Direct Payment Plan authorizes the city to deduct the utility payment from your chosen bank account. To authorize the Direct Payment Plan, download the authorization form and return it to the City of Exeter. Note, please attach a voided check to the authorization form. Please contact the Utility Billing Department at City Hall for additional information.

To close Utility Services a signature is required.  If you have a deposit holding on your account it will be applied to your final bill and any remaining balance will be mailed to your forwarding address.

City Ordinance 13.08.040
Each consumer about to vacate any premises supplied with water service by the city shall give advance notice of his intended removal to the finance director, specifying the date service is desired discontinued; otherwise, he will be held responsible for water service furnished to such premises until the finance director shall have notice for such removal.

Water Service Disconnection Policy

Download the City policy to provisions provided for in Chapter 13.08 of the City Ordinance here.


For other types of accounts or information call City Hall.  (559) 592-3710

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