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Agenda Archives


The City Council meets on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, for Closed Session at 6:30 p.m. and Regular Session at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers located at the Exeter City Hall at 137 North F Street.

The Planning Commission meets on the third Thursday of each Month, at 5:30 p.m. in the Exeter Council Chambers, 137 North F Street, Exeter, California, when there is business to conduct.

TitleMeeting DateTimeCategoriesTagsLink
September 10, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda09/10/2024 6:00 pm
September 10, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packet09/10/2024 6:00 pm

Older Agendas

Below are archived agendas and reports from City Council and Planning Commission meetings

August 27, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda, agenda-archives archives meeting2024 city-council
August 27, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packet, reports-archives archives meeting2024 city-council
August 22, 2024 Special Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda, agenda-archives archives meeting2024 city-council
August 13, 2024 Exeter City Council Meeting Cancelationagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
July 23, 2024 Exeter City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meeting
July 23, 2024 Exeter City Council Regular Meeting Agendaagenda-archives archives meeting
July 09, 2024 Exeter City Council Regular Meeting Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meeting
July 09, 2024 Exeter City Council Regular Meeting Agendareports-archives archives meeting
June 25, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meeting
June 25, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meeting
June 17, 2024 Measure P Citizens Oversight Committee Meeting Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meeting
June 20, 2024 Exeter Planning Commission Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meeting
June 11, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meeting
June 11, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meeting
June 05, 2024 Special Meeting of the Exeter City Councilreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
May 28, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
May 14, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
May 14, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
April 23, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
April 23, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
April 09, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
April 09, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
March 26, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetagenda-archives archives meeting
March 26, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meeting
March 12, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agenda Packetagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
March 12, 2024 Regular Meeting of the Exeter City Council Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports February 27, 2024, archives reports-archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda February 27, 2024agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Staff Reports February 15, 2024reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda February 15, 2024agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Staff Reports February 13, 2024reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda February 13, 2024agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports January 23, 2024reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda January 23, 204agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CDBG Public Hearing Noticeagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports January 9, 2024reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda January 9, 2024agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
City Council Notice of Cancellation December 26, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Staff Reports December 21, 2023reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda December 21, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Staff Reports December 12, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda December 12, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda December 4, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
City Council Notice of Cancellation November 28, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports November 14, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda November 14, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Staff Report November 2, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda November 2, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
City Council Notice of Cancellation October 24, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports October 10, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 10, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports September 26, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda September 21, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports September 21, 2023reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda September 12, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports September 12, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda August 22, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports August 22, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda August 17, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports August 17, 2023reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda August 08,2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports August 08, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
City Council Notice of Cancellation July 25, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports June 13, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda July 11, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports July 11, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports June 27, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 27, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 13, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports May 23, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda May 23, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda May 18, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports May 18, 2023reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Staff Reports May 9, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda May 9, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Measure P Oversight Committee Comments 3.31.22reports-archives archives meetingmeasure-p
Measure P Meeting Agenda 05 01, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingmeasure-p
CC Staff Reports April 25, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda April 25, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda April 20, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports April 20, 2023reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Notice of Cancellation April 11,2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda March 14, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports March 14, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Exeter Storm Drain Master Planreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda February 28, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports February 28, 2023, reports-archives archives meetingcity-council staff-reports
CC Agenda February 14, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports February 14, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports Attachment F2 2021/2022 Audited Financials, reports-archives archives meetingaudited-financial-reports city-council
PC Agenda February 18, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports February 16, 2023reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Staff Report Attachment H7 Speed Zone Studyreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports January 10, 2023reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda January 10, 2023agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports December 13, 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda December 13, 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Staff Reports 111821 1reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda November 9 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports November 9 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda November 8 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports November 8 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda November 8 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports October 26 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 25 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 25 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 25 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports October 25 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda October 20 2022agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda October 20 2022agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports October 20 2022reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda October 11 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports October 11 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Ntc of Cancellation September 27 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda September 15 2022agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda September 15 2022agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports September 15 2022reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda September 13 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports September 13 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda September 13 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda August 23 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports August 23 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
8.18.22 PC Notice of Cancellationagenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda August 9 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports August 9 2022, agenda-archives reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports August 9 2022 2reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports August 9 2022 1reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda July 26 2022 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda July 26 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports July 26 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 072122agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda 072122agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports 072122reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda July 12 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Ordinance 706 Cannabis Business Tax, , , reports-archives archives meetingbusiness-tax cannabis ordinance taxes
CC Staff Reports July 12 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 28 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 28 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports June 28 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
FY2022 2023_FY2023 2024_Budget_Bookreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
City of Exeter FY2022 2023 and 2023 2024 Budgetreports-archives archives meeting
CC Agenda June 14 2022 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 14 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 14 2022 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 14 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports June 14 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda June 8 2022 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda June 8 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda June 8 2022 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda June 8 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Staff Reports June 8 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Amended Agenda May 24 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda May 24 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Amended Agenda May 24 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda May 24 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports May 24 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda May 10 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda May 10 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports May 10 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda April 26 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports April 26 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Measure P Meeting Agenda March 31, 2022, agenda-archives measure-p archives meeting public-documentsmeasure-p
Measure P Meeting Agenda 3.31.22, agenda-archives measure-p archives meeting public-documentsmeasure-p
Measure_P_MeetingAgenda 3.31.22agenda-archives archives meetingmeasure-p
Measure P Meeting Agenda 3.31.22agenda-archives archives meetingmeasure-p
CC Agenda March 22 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda March 22 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports Item I3 March 22 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports March 22 2022 2 1reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports March 22 2022 3reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports March 22 2022 2reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports March 22 2022 1reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports March 22 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 031722agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda 031722agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports 031722reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda March 8 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda March 8 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports March 8 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda February 22 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports February 22 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda February 10 2022 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda February 10 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda February 10 2022 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda February 10 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports February 10 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Exeter PH4 v3 1.11.2021 Redistricting Process, redistricting reports-archives elections public-documents archives meeting
Exeter PH4 v3 1.11.2021, redistricting reports-archives elections public-documents archives meeting
CC Agenda January 25 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports January 25 2022reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
012022 PC Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
012022 Staff Reportsreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Mtg Agenda January 11 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda December 14 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports I1 I3 December 14 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports G H13 December 14 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Agenda November 18 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA 111821agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
Special CC Agenda November 18 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Staff Reports 111821reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Staff Reports November 18 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA 111821agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda November 9 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 26 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Exeter PH2 v1 10.26.2021, , redistricting reports-archives elections public-documents archives meetingcity-council redistricting
CC Agenda October 26 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 12 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 12 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports October 12 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda September 28 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda September 28 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Staff Reports September 28 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 091621agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda 091621agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda 9 14 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 9 14 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 9 14 21agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports 9 14 21 1reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports 9 14 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports 9 14 21reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 8 24 21agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports 8 24 21reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda August 10 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports August 10 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Agenda August 4 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
LLMADs Engineer Reportsreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda July 27 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda July 27 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports July 27 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 071521agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports 071521reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda June 22 2021 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 22 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports Items I1.I10 June 22 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports items H1.H9 June 22 2021reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
061721 PC Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda June 8 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 052021agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda May 11 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda April 27 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda April 13 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda March 23 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Measure P Oversight Agenda 3.9.2021, agenda-archives measure-p archives meeting public-documentsmeasure-p
Measure P Oversight Agenda 3.9.2021, agenda-archives measure-p archives meeting public-documentsmeasure-p
Measure P Oversight Agenda 3.9.2021agenda-archives archives meetingmeasure-p
Measure P Oversight Committee Agenda 3.4.2021, agenda-archives measure-p archives meeting public-documentsmeasure-p
Measure P Oversight Committee 3.4.2021, agenda-archives measure-p archives meeting public-documentsmeasure-p
CC Agenda February 23 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 021821agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda February 9 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda January 26 2021agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Jan 14agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Mtg Agenda January 11 2022agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda December 8 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
00 CC Agenda December 8 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 111920agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda November 10 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda November 2 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda October 13 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Amended CC Agenda September 22 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Sept 22 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Planning Commission Agenda 091720agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda Sept 8 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda August 25 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda August 18 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda July 28 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda July 22 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 23 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 14 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 9 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda June 9 2020 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Mtg Agenda May 27 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Adjourn Agenda May 26 2020.docagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Community Profile Morgan Project Staff Reportreports-archives archives meetinggeneral-plan
PC AGENDA May 21 2020agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Agenda May 21 2020agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda May 19 2020 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda May 19 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Adjourn Agenda May 12 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC Agenda 041620agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Adjourn Agenda April 14 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda March 24 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PRMAC Meeting Agenda March 11 2020agenda-archives archives meetingprmac
CC Agenda March 10 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PRMAC Meeting Agenda March 4 2020agenda-archives archives meetingprmac
PRMAC Meeting Agenda Feb 26 2020agenda-archives archives meetingprmac
CC Staff Reports Ind Bus Items Feb 25 2020reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Item D PRMAC Minutes Feb 19 2020reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PRMAC Meeting Agenda Feb 19 2020agenda-archives archives meetingprmac
PRMAC Meeting Agenda Feb 12 2020agenda-archives archives meetingprmac
PRMAC Meeting Agenda Feb 12 2020agenda-archives archives meetingprmac
CC Adjourn Agenda February 11 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PRMAC Meeting Agenda Feb 5 2020agenda-archives archives meetingprmac
CC Agenda Jan 28 2020agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 121019 2agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 121019 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 121019agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 121019 2agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 121019 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 121019agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Adjourn Agenda NOVEMBER 26agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA November 21 2019agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC AGENDA November 21 2019agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda 111219agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 111219agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 102219agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 102219agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 100819agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 100819agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 092419agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 092419agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA 091919agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda 091019agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA 091919agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda Sept 10 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Sept 10agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Sept 10 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Sept 10agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 082719agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA August 15 2019agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC AGENDA August 15 2019agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda AUG 13agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Adjourn Agenda JULY 23agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 070919agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 070919agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JUNE 25 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JUNE 25 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special CC Agenda June 11 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JUNE 11 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda MAY 28 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 052819agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA 051619agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda 051419agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 042319agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 040919agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Mar 26 19 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA Mar 2019agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda Feb 26 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Special Meeting Agenda FEB 2 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Adjourn Agenda FEB 12 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JAN 8 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Special Meeting Agenda FEB 2 19agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAnnualPlanningWorkshopAgenda2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda DEC 11 18agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 112718agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda NOV 13 18agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda OCT 23 2918agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA 101818agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda OCT 9 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda SEP 25 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda SEP 11 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda AUG 28 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Special Meeting Agenda AUG 21 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda AUG 14 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JULY 24 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JULY 10 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JUN 26 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports 062618 2 of 2reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Staff Reports 062618 1 of 2reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JUN 12 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special Meeting Agenda 053018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda MAY 22 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA May 2018agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda MAY 8 2018b 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda MAY 8 2018bagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda MAY 8 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda APR 24 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Staff Reports 042418reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA Apr 19 2018agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
Staff Reports 041918reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda APR 10 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Staff Reports 041018reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda MAR 27 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Staff Reports 032718 1reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Staff Reports 032718reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA Mar 15 2018agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC Staff Reports 031518reports-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda MAR 13 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special Meeting Agenda 030218agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda 022718agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Staff Reports 022718reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda FEB 13 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Staff Reports 021318reports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Spcl Mtg Agenda FEB 3 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Item G Revenue measuresreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Item F Police Departmentreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Item E Current Statusreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
Current Statusreports-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda JAN 23 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA Jan 18 2018agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda JAN 9 2018agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda DEC 26 17 Adjournedagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Adjourned Regular CC Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Adjourned Regular CC Agendaagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda DEC 12 17agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda NOV 28 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda NOV 28 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA Nov 16 2017agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PC AGENDA Nov 16 2017agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CC Agenda NOV 14 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Spcl Joint Mtg w EUSD NOV 7 17, agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council exeter-unified-school-district
CC Agenda Spcl Meeting NOV 7 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Spcl Joint Mtg w EUSD NOV 7 17agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Spcl Meeting NOV 7 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda OCT 24 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda OCT 24 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda OCT 10 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda OCT 10 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda SEP 26 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda SEP 26 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda SEP 12 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda SEP 12 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Sep 05 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CC Agenda Sep 05 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAUG222017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAUG222017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAUG82017 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAUG82017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAUG82017 1agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAUG82017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaJULY252017 Adjournedagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaJULY252017 Adjournedagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA JULY 20, 2017agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PCAGENDAJULY202017agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CCAgendaJULY112017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaJULY112017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaJUNE272017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaJUNE272017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
PC AGENDA JUN 15 2017agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
PCAGENDAJUN152017agenda-archives archives meetingplanning-commission
CCAgendaJUNE132017 Adjournedagenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Special Meeting Agenda JUNE 6 2017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
SpecialMeetingAgendaJUNE62017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaMAY92017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAPRIL252017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAPRIL252017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAPRIL112017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaAPRIL112017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaMAR282017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaMAR282017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaMAR142017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaMAR142017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaFEB282017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaFEB142017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaJan242017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
CCAgendaJan102017agenda-archives archives meetingcity-council
Oversight Board Meeting Agenda March 3, 2014, agenda-archives archives meetingredevelopment-agency successor-agency
Agenda September 30 2013, agenda-archives archives meetingredevelopment-agency successor-agency
Agenda January 14 2013, agenda-archives archives meetingredevelopment-agency successor-agency

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